Begin Your Nutritional Therapy + Movement Healing Journey
Are you finding yourself lost in a harmful cycle, trying harder and harder to give your body and mind the loving care it deserves? Have you noticed your mental wellbeing being sacrificed for the sake of a "toned" body? Are you struggling to make it through the day without fatigue, mood swings, or a night of binging to relieve the stress? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, I want to guide you into a more mindful state of being. I want to take your hurt, your doubts, any and all of the things that make you feel undeserving of a full and fulfilled life- I want to take all of it and hold your hoops while you set fire and watch it burn. You deserve to heal from the inside out, regenerating the light lost and then some.
My one-on-one coaching program provides my clients with individualized nutrition and movement plans to eradicate food abuse, disordered eating, food fears and more all while achieving their weight-loss or fitness goals in a balanced way. As a one-on-one coaching client, you can expect the following:
+ Personalized programs that best fit your schedule, lifestyle, and resources
+ Increase in energy levels and reduction in overall mind and body fatigue
+ Eat yummy food that makes you feel wonderful
+ Removing food's control over your life
+ Feel less stressed and have the tools to manage stress long term
+ Reach a healthy weight and get the tools to sustain your new lifestyle
+ At least two meetings via Skype or in person each month
+ Full accessibility to me for support, questions, and motivation between meeting sessions
+ My unconditional love & support
+ Feel more connected to your emotional needs & physical needs
+ Gain confidence in your abilities and passions
+ Heightened mindfulness in behavior, decision-making, and daily living
+ Movement regimen custom-made to bring you joy, create positive mind-body connection, and aid you in your journey to health longevity
If you're ready to spring into personalized movement that feels good, take down the walls you've created out of fear and pain, and connect with your body's healing through eating a custom, nourishing meal plan... I'm here for you and I'm ready. Fill out of the form below and I'll be in touch with you very soon.
With Love & For Light,